Thursday, April 5, 2007

Day 3...5 o'clock and all's well.

Well, Wednesday was a long but good day. Logan had trouble again giving blood samples again. (long digging jabs with no results). A lot of the swelling has gone down and he is talking again and wanting to play some. His talking is a little slurred still because of the drugs.

The dressing if off his scar. It is a 4-5 inch long scary red stitchy thing. Wednesday evening, Logan decided that he needed to crawl. Since he had an IV needle in his foot, it jabbed through his vein and caused some fussing. But, he is doing well enough that they just took that IV out. Now, he has only 1 of 3 IV ports in and the one in his hand isn't hooked up anymore.

There were bunches of visitors on Wednesday and Logan got to do a little blogging of his own. He accidentally closed it before he could upload it so he had me type it for him. His message was asfjkvopewfhuhiufhugarh;n;sdf. Not bad spelling for a 19 month old.

God is awesome. There haven't been any big complications with the surgery or recovery so far. God has provided Meaghan and I with tons of peace and good fellowship. There are lots of people up here that are sad and lost. Most of the nurses and doctors say that it is good to have a "faith" to lean on in times like this. We're praying and hoping that they will see that it is good to have God to lean on in times like this...and all the rest of the time.

Please pray that God would encourage the people up here and give us opportunities to be witnesses of His awesomeness and Love.

Thank you all so much for your prayers and support and help. It is wonderful to see once again that the family of God really is a big family.

That's all for now. As soon as I can find an electric outlet, I will upload some pictures.

1 comment:

BrixPop said...

Cool scar, Logan! Every girl loves a guy with scars. HAHA. We are praying for you like crazy here in Illinois. Brialyn makes sure to include you in her bedtime prayers every night.